Being Prepared and Organized Tips

Read these 20 Being Prepared and Organized Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Emergency tips and hundreds of other topics.

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What to buy in June?

June Shopping List

Week One

Personal products--soap, deodorant, toilet paper, shampoo, lotion, razors, talcum powder, feminine products, etc.
Week Two

Canned soup and boxes of crackers
Week Three

Vinegars: White, apple cider, red wine, etc. ( You may want to have a least an extra gallon or two of white vinegar on hand to de-caulk, clean and deoderize)
Week Four

Iodized salt--10 pounds. It seasons, preserves, de-ices the walks, and in a pinch, can be used as toothpaste.

Sould I make lists?


Organize your lists by room and by family member.
Example: Bathroom inventory list (general), would have items that the whole family uses like toilet paper, bar soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.
Bathroom Inventory list (Dad), would have personal items used by that person alone like shaving cream, aftershave, razors.

Go room by room, making lists of things you use the use everyday. This would be a basic can't-live-without list. You can get the entire family to help and make a game of it. This way it can be fun and get the job done faster.

What should I purchse in October?

October Shopping List

Week One

Eating rice makes us nice! Secure 10 to 20 pounds. Vary the different grains or get some brown rice, which is better for you, to break the monotony of all white rice.
Week Two

More first aid. Gauze pads, swabs, cotton balls, ace bandages, ice packs, hot packs, hot water bottle, etc.
Week Three

Solid vegetable shortening. Less expensive than oil but you should have both.
Week Four

Peanut Butter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One tablespoon of peanut butter has the same amount of protein as an 6 ounce steak.
Week Five

Apples, apples, apples!!! All the apple trees are loaded and they are cheap in the stores at this time!
Can applesauce, pie filling, apple butter. Make apple juice, dried apple slices, canned apple bread.

What do I purchase for the month of November?

November Shopping List

Week One

Hard candy---on sale after halloween.
Week Two

Jello, plain gelatin (used for salad molds and some desserts) pudding mixes, powdered whipped topping (dream whip, etc.)
Week Three

Mixes! Cake, pancake, nuffin, Bisquick. Buy or make your own!
Week Four

Treats for Baking! Cocoa, chocolate chips, nuts, coconut, sprinkles, vanilla, almond extract, etc.

What do I need in the way of equipment for a well stocked kitchen?

Food Equipment Items

You will notice that there are no electric items in this list. This list is for food preparation in times of disaster when there is no electricity available.

+ Canning jars, lids and rings.
+ Ice cream maker with hand crank
+ Bottle opener
+ Non-electric can opener
+ Cooking utensils that are fire proof
+ Paper or plastic plates, cups and utensils
+ Insulated ice storage chest w/reusable ice packs.
+ Good recipe book on use of basic food supplies
+ Aluminum foil
+ Oven wrap
+ Plastic wrap
+ Freezer wrap
+ Waxed paper
(If you run out of paper or plastic plates, you can
line regular plates with waxed paper, syran, or
aluminum foil for easy clean up without water.)
+ Zip-lock type plastic bags in various sizes
+ Twist ties
+ Paper napkins
+ Paper towels
+ Rubber gloves
+ Manual egg-beater or wisks
+ Non-electric food processor
+ Flour sifter
+ Breadboard and rolling pin
+ Breadloaf pans
+ Small food gringer (also for making baby food)
+ Grease pencils for dating purchased, home processed
and frozen foods on bags, jars and lids.
+ Fire-safe pots and pans (cast iron is best)
+ Cast iron dutch ovens with lids
+ Thermos jugs for hot and cold liquids
+ Iron stand for cooking in fireplace or open fire
+ Non-electric meat grinder and sausage maker
+ Food and oven thermometers
+ Fireproof hot mits for handling cast iron and cooking
over open fires
+ Toasting forks and skewers
+ Long-handled forks, spoon, tongs, and spatula for
cooking over or near an open fire
+ Stiff metal brush and cleaning supplies for cleaning
grills after use
+ commercial pressure cooker
+ Extra grills for cooking. (A cooking grill placed
over a bed of coals in a wheelbarrow, child's wagon,
or over a large flowerpot, or even an inverted metal
garbage can lid can make a satisfactory cooking
+ Griddle
+ Meat cleaver, good set of knives
+ Metal mixing bowls
+ Plastic measuring cups,pitchers and storage
+ Measuring spoons
+ Food grater (for raw vegetables and cheese)

This list is by no means complete. You may have other items that you wish to include in your inventory of suppllies. The idea is to use them as much as possible. Discard any items not used at least twice in a year. I include cooky sheets, muffin tins, cake pans, pie pans and casserole dishes in my own personal inventory as I do a great deal of baking. Having lived on ranches with no electricity, I have come up with some rather ingenious baking contraptions for the baking of pies and breads. With some ingenuity so can you!

What do I buy in February?

February Shopping List

Week One

Sweeteners--Brown, white and powdered sugars, honey, corn syrups, etc.
Week Two

Paper towels, aluminum foil, syran, waxed, freezer papers, garbage bags, sandwich or zip-lock bags, freezer bags.
Week Three

Freeze-a-cheese! You can freeze cheese in blocks, but it is easier to use if you grate it first and freeze it in bags. Then you can grab the amount you need and it is all ready to use. Purchasing in large blocks saves money, too.

Buy cheddar, monterey jack, swiss and other hard cheeses. Purchase velvetta, cheese spreads in jars and cheese in squirt cans.
Week Four

Safety week! Purchase batteries, flashlights, rope, twine, candles. Make sure you date the batteries and rotate for maximum freshness.

What do I do first to become organized?


Getting organized sometimes seems overwhelming. I suggest making lists of what your families needs are and doing an inventory to see what you have on hand before going on a shopping spree.

Being organized will help you save money and help keep all items fresh and in good repair.

Whar do I buy for April?

Organize, declutter and rotate

One of the first things you should do to begin with your preparedness tasks is to organize, declutter and mark rotation dates on perishables. If your life and house are full of clutter and disorganization, how will you know where to begin? This makes the task of preparing for an emergency or disaster "disasterous" and overwhelming. You may think you still have that kerosene camping lantern or did you loan it to Uncle Fred last year? You know you have several backpacks but where are they and isn't one of them ripped? If you never declutter and organize, you will never know if you have those backpacks and spend money to replace them. Then when you finally clean out the closet, you find five backpacks in perfect condition. This would have saved you money and time.

The first items you should purchase are: plastic sleeves, three-ring binder, large trash bags, and a water-proof black marker.

Now you are ready to begin by making lists of the items you have in your house. Begin with one room and inventory everything. Put the list in a plastic sleeve and into the three-ring binder. Now you have an inventory of everything in your house.

Next, as you make your lists, declutter. Ask yourself if this has been used in the last year and if not or in question, toss it. That is what the trash bags are for. If it is still useable, send it to the goodwill. This will help you to see just what you have and what you will need to purchase.

The water-proof black marker is for marking dates on cans, packages, frozen food and perishable items. Don't forget to mark medications as well. Mark the date plainly. When using these items, rotate them. Use items that are oldest first. Keep a list of items on the back of a cupboard door or keep a memo board handy. When you use something mark it down so it can be replaced during the next shopping trip.

By following these tips, you will know exactly what you have on hand, where it is, what condition it is in, and if you need more. This saves both time and money when preparing for emergencies and disasters.

What do I purchase in July?

July Shopping list

Week One

Sugars: Brown, white and powdered.
Week Two

Tomato Week! Purchase juice, paste, sauce, stewed, whole tomatoes. You can make it or buy it!
Week Three

Fruit! Can it or buy it already canned.
Week Four

Vitamins- A good all-inclusive-one-a-day tablet for adults and for kids! Helps suppliment what you dont get in your diet! Vitamins A,C, and D, are particularly important.
Week Five

Rolled oats, wheat germ, Cream of Wheat, corn meal for breakfast or baking.

Whar do I buy for April?

April Shopping List

Week One

Juices: Avoid watered products: Get 100% juice--lemon, orange, pineapple cranberry (good for a bladder infection)

Purchase juices in plastic bottles or cans to avoid breakage.
Week Two

Baking powder, baking soda, salt, corn starch, yeast, and other baking products. (Dry yeast freezes well and extends the life of the yeast)
Week Three

Dry milk--40 ounces will make 5 gallons. Get what your family will need.
Week Four

Canned vegetables and fruits. Only purchase what your family will eat and likes.

How do I shop for what I need without going broke?

The Plan

The Plan is a simple system. It starts with an inventory to determine what you have on hand, what you need to purchase, how much to purchase, and organizing what you have for storage. When you have this done, then comes the shopping.

In the Checklist sub-category of this section, you will find tabs with the twelve months names. Each individual month has a shopping list divided into weeks. The lists are made to correspond with the seasons and will help you to purchase what you need while not breaking the bank, so to speak. The lists are set up so that you can begin in any week of any month that you want to start in. If you print the list in the second week of May, for instance, you start with that date and go on from there until you have gone thru all the lists and end up at the second week of May and begin again.

The first thing to do is to print out the lists, then staple in order of the months, forming a pocket shopping list for the year.

These items on the list, will be added to your regular gorcery list for the week. As you shop, place a check mark next to the items you have bought. I advise you to check all the items against what you have at home before purchasing, as this will save money and prevent overloading on one or more items.

Get a permanent black marker for marking the dates of purchase on each item you add to your storage to aid in proper rotation. Buy the largest amount you can sensibly afford. It is better to buy a little and get started with your food and essential item storage program than to go into debt or put off any progress until you can afford to buy the whole year's supply at once. Plan for a months supply to begin your program, then expand your storage to cover two months and so on until you have your years' supply.

You may adjust this list to fit your own needs and tastes. You may wish to add items that are not on the list. Just remember to spread your purchases out to avoid going out of bounds with your budget.

Replace items as you raid them. Remember--these lists are in addition to you regular grocery list.

Watch for sales and other specials. Grocery stores don't always have the best prices. You might ask your grocer about a discount if you were to buy by the case. Some will give you a 10 to 20 per cent discount.

If you miss a week, skip to the next week. Don't get behind. Divide up the week you missed and assign an item or two to the next few weeks shopping list to catch up.

Now, go to the sub-category titled Checklists, and look for the tips with the months names. Then you will want to print out each one to make your own personal shopping checklist.

Sould I make lists?

Basic lists

When making your lists, start with only the basic items for survival. Then, after you have made a basic list, make a list of things you would like to include, but are not necessary for immediate survival.

Items necessary for survival would be: water, battery-operated radio, flashlight. Items that you might like to have would be: Soft drinks, Battery-operated tape/CD player, camping lanterns to read by.

So, when making your lists, begin with necessary items first and purchase these and then when you have everything you need, purchase or include the luxury items.

What list should i use to see how prepared I am?

Are we prepared checklist

At home, is where we should all begin to become prepared. These simple statements will help your become organized and more aware of what is needed. Check them off as each one is accomplished.

* The water heater is strapped to the wall.
* I know where to shut off the water, power, and gas and have placed tools at each location.
* Anything that could have fallen on my head has been secured.
* I have moved the bleach and ammonia to separate locations. (If these were to break and mix, they produce a very deadly toxic gas.)
* I know the unsafe locations in the house.
* I have made an emergency plan and know escape routes and meeting places.
* Emergency lighting has been installed in selected outlets.
* I know the location of the nearest emergency services. (police, fre, etc.)
* I know which neighbors have medical experience.
* I have talked with my neighbors about emergency preparedness.
* My neighbors have keys to my house and know how to turn off my utilites.
* My neighbors have a list of my important phone numbers and contacts.
* My household had conducted a home evacration drill.
* My children know how to dial 911 and get help from the neighbors.
* Each family member carries a family photo with pertinient information on the back.
* I have evaluated what supplies my family needs to store.
* I have the proper amount of water stored for emergency use.
* I have stored emergency food supplies.
* I have stored cooking items for emergency use.
* I have stored emergency itens to use as shelter.
* I have a first aid kit.
* I have stored emergency lighting equipment.
* I have stored emergency heating supplies and fuel.
* I have stored items to keep in touch with the world.
* I have positioned tools that I will need for an emergency.
* I have stored sanitation supplies.
* I have stored supplies for the baby.
* I have stored supplies for my pets.
* I have stored miscellaneous supplies including money for emergency use.
* I have taken and passed first-aid and CPR classes and my cards are up to date.

What kind of disasters will I have in my area?

Gathering information

Being prepared can take a lot of time and effort on the part of the whole family. The first thing to do is to list all the natural and man-made disasters that could affect your family and cause problems in day-to-day living. These would be only the disasters that happen or could happen in your geographical area.

You can get information from the library, weather services, and government pamphlets. Another good source of information are the senior citizens in your area who have been there for a long time and have lived through several disasters. All these information sources can tell you what to expect in your area. Does your area flood, have bad winter storms, or tornadoes?

Once you determine what you could be facing in the form of disaster, you will be able to act accordingly in planning for your family.

What do I buy in September?

September Shopping Lists

Week One

Canned meats--tuna, Spam, dried beef, etc. Go for ten cans!!!
Week Two

First aid supplies: Band-aids, calamine, Neosporine, bactine, adhesive tape, muscle rub, etc.
Week Three

Mesicine Chest! Feminine products, Pepto Bismol, Vicks, cough syrup and drops, alka-seltzer, asprin, stc. ( You don't want to have to go get it when you need it!)
Week Four

Detergent, bleach, cleanser, ammonia, disinfectant, household cleaners. Look for and use coupons to help save you money! Go on double coupon days!

What do I purchase in March?

March Shopping List

Week One

Canned milk, sweetened condensed milk, dry coffee creamer, powered milk.
Week Two

Fill those water jugs! Buy water purification tablets or use bleach (one teaspoon per five gallons of water)

Purchase water containers for storage or purchase gallons of drinking water (two liters per person per day is the rule of thumb in emergencies but you must allow for cooking, rehydration of dried foods, etc.)
Week Three

Spices and herbs you use most ofter: Bay leaves, bsil, cinnamon, oregano, etc.
Week Four

Flour--buy at least 10 extra pound for a small family, 25 extra pounds for a large family. (I purchased a vacuum sealer and have a fifty-five gallon plastic trash container full of vacuum sealed bags of flour. When you vacuum seal the bags all the air is sucked out and the flour stays fresh and will not get buggy.)

What do I buy for December?

December Shopping list

Week One

Get nuts!!! Dry roasted ones keep best.
Week Two

Merry Christmas! Candles, matches, oil for oil lamps, (You can buy nice scented oils that will not only be a source of light but make the air smell good too.)

Put candles in a sturdy box where your can locate in the dark.
Week Three

Popcorn--Go for the big bags, popcorn oil, special buttered oils make the popcorn taste like you went to the theater!
Week Four

Pasta! Buy at least five pounds per person for a year. Select a variety.

Congratulations!!YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED A FULL YEARS ROTATION! Now you can start all over again!

What do I purchase in January?

January Shopping List

January--Week One

Garden seeds-radishes are great in an emergency. They grow fast and are full of vitamins, minerals and water. Include a few flower seeds. In times of emergency, our spirits need brightening, too.
January--Week Two

Assemble an emergency sewing kit. Thread, pins, needles, buttons, snaps, zippers, elastic, tape measure, scissors.
January--Week Three

Dry soups and crackers
January--Week Four

White sales are on at this time of the year. Buy blankets, sheets, towels and other necessary linens. If you cannot afford these all at once, put them on layaway and pay a little over a longer period of time. The idea is to purchase these on sale to save money. (Do not use a credit card as your are paying interest.)
January--Week Five

Ready to eat dinners: Canned ravioli, pastas (macaroni and cheese, rice-a-roni, frozen dinners) Purchase what you family likes and will eat.

What do I buy for the month of August?

August Shopping List

Week One

Pet supplies--canned foods, dry foods, kitty litter, flea collars, flea and tick sprays, powders, shampoos, treats, toys, and vitamins. Bird seed, hampster, ferret or bunny food. Don't forget you fish or turtles!
Week Two

Back-to-School supplies--Paper, pencils, notebooks, pens, envelopes, stamps, crayons, tapes, glues, etc.
Week Three

Toothpaste, floss, razors, shaving cream, hairspray,etc. Consider your family's needs.
Week Four

Vegetable oil--get a good quality oil.

What do I buy for the month of May?

May Shopping List

Week One

It's "Dress-your-burger-and-dog" week! Time to buy:
Mustard, mayonaise, catsup, relish, Worcestershire sauce, pickles, steak sauce, (Add a little Mexico--taco sauce, tabasco sauce, chili sauce, etc.)
Week Two

Dried beans, peas, legumes, lentils, etc.
Week Three

It's strawberry time! Time to buy and make jams and freeze some for later in the winter!
Week Four

Buy extra 25 pounds of sugar
Week five

Canning supplies: Sure-jell, Certo, paraffin, lids and rings, jars, or if you don't want to can--buy some jams and jellies.

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Sheri Ann Richerson